v : make numb or insensitive
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Bobby Eberle -- Gannon's boss only person to see Flight 77

You know what I mean...


From what I saw, and using my training and education, I have concluded that there are only two explanations for the events in Washington, DC on September 11. Explanation 1: Flight 77 flew within a couple hundred feet above my head and crashed about 3 seconds later into the Pentagon. Explanation 2: Flight 77 flew within a couple hundred feet above my head and appeared to be headed straight for the Pentagon. In the following three seconds the National Security Agency stealthfully manipulated the time-space continuum and moved the Bermuda Triangle to directly over the Pentagon where it swallowed-up Flight 77. At that precise moment, explosives were remotely detonated in the walls of the Pentagon to simulate an aircraft collision.
And here if it wasn't "cleaned" but thanks to google cache were good, there is this his original account.
Driving in from Virginia with the top down on my friend's convertible, I was enjoying the clear blue sky and crisp air. I also paid moderate attention to the news radio station that my friend tuned in. I'm not a regular listener of news radio, but that morning was different. We had already seen reports on television of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center. We thought it was a very odd event, so we dialed in the news as we drove into town. At about 9:15 a.m., we heard reports of the second attack.
There was no doubt in our minds that America was now the victim of terrorism. What we did not realize was that the attacks were not over. We would learn that soon enough.

That is just a little weird
Friday, April 29, 2005
Bush-Cheny Campaign Financing Scandal
HOT STORY -- Bush-Cheney Campaign Financing Scandal in Ohio With Northwest State Fundraising Chairman for Bush/Cheney at the Center: His Home is Raided by FBI
Thursday, April 28, 2005
This rocks!

Thank You!

Several have asked that this letter be it's own thread
so here it is

From : Carol Sterritt <cjsterritt2@yahoo.com >
Sent : Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:59 PM
To : wiley54@hotmail.com
Subject : Could you post this to Democratic Underground for me?

Go to previous message Go to next message Delete Inbox
Hi Wiley

Thanks for the important heads up on this issue.

I wrote the following and will be faxing it off to the Tribune today.

Could you kindly post it to the Democratic Underground. For some reason, they will not let me come aboard there (something to do with their not liking my yahoo address....)

Also I understand if you can't do this due to your life being busy or whatever.


Re: Wycliffe and his attack on Bob Koehler
From Carol Sterritt, Staff Reporter for The Coastal Post
WARNING - This article is politically incorrect -
it uses the Word "Theft" rather than "Fraud." Tribune editors are advised to seek parental guidance

This morning I sit here at my computer, and I am REALLY REALLY angry. The last time that I was this mad, I was sitting inside the chambers of the California legislature, listening to lobbyists for the MTBE industry tell the audience that MTBE was so safe that their children brushed their teeth with it each night.

Because of Sen Mountjoy (CA-Rep), and because of tens of thousands of Californians who were willing to be labelled "conspiracy nuts" we finally got Gov Davis to take action so that MTBE would be banned.

Now as a nation, those of us in the know face the same uphill battle. This time it is not the health of ourselves and our children, this time it is the health of our democracy. The entire idea that in this age of corporate domination it is suitable for the American people to have corporate-controlled electronic voting machinery in place to count our votes is a dangerous, scary and absolutely insane idea.

When I first heard that Bob Koehler was going to have his article published in the Chicago Tribune, I was aware that the Newspaper Association of America would be meeting the following weekend. News from that convention was rather dismal for the newspaper industry as a whole. The Internet Rocks! It is taking away those who normally would be sitting inside a newsroom writing copy, and it is taking away the readers as well.

When readers go away so do subscription and ad revenues. We have seen before what a new media does. Radio rocked the print world back in the thirties - and now the Internet is kicking butt over the print, radio and television medium. Traditional media whimpers the same song that was once sung against radio - not legitimate, not real news, not properly vetted, etc.

But we the readers beg to disagree. And when the Tribune launched Koehler's article, I assumed that maybe the Tribune was starting to realize that if it granted the same freedom and independence were on its pages, maybe the Trib would have a shot at gaining back some readers and just as importantly, some credibility.

For one thing, the story of the stolen election is of more momentous import than almost any other story I can think of. And a conspiracy theory becosmes valid when there is so much observable material to serve as proof of the pudding. It is not the proverbial pony lurking hidden in the room of debris - it is the Loch Ness monster. There are so many facts and so many figures, so many stories, that to simply shut the door on the discussion can only reveal a person as being either of a moronic intelligence base, lacking any imagination, or of being bought out by a higher bidder. (There is little money and quite a bit of expense in dealing with this tale.) If you do feel that mere stories are not enough, consider the affidavits filed by thousands of voters across the country.

At least three percent of those who were registered to vote on November 2nd 2004 inside the state of Ohio were denied the ability to do so. This three percent is in addition to those whose vote was flipped from the Kerry column to the Bush column. Enough inconsistencies existed that many people shut down their own lives in order to stand with Bob Fitrakis, Susan Truit, Andy Stephenson, and thirty-four others and fight the good fight.

Number One: they attempted to record all of the illegalities, inconsistencies, and outright illegalities that occurred that day. Among these items was the salient fact that even the Ohio recount was tainted by a computer expert who came into one county and inserted programming code into the software.

Number Two: They brought about Court Actions to accent the problems of fraud. For this purpose, they were thwarted by the interwoven connections of high ranking judges who represented the Republican party and who ruled on the issue despite an
obvious conflict of interest.

Then we have the situation in Warren County, Ohio. This county's vote on election day was brought to its knees by a "lock-down" that supposedly came from Homeland Security and the FBI. The action was due to alleged "terrorist" threats even though later on it was revealed that neither the FBI or Homeland Security had issued orders regarding this, or had any knowledge of these activities.

According to Richard Phillips, who investigated the Ohio vote count, "Not all the trends were looking good for George W. Bush on Election Day, according to the unofficial numbers. Of the 142 precincts in Warren County that existed in 2000, Bush was winning a lower percentage of the vote in 37 precincts than he had four years ago, and percentage of voter turnout was lower in 20 precincts than it had been four years ago. How, then, could Bush have increased his margin of victory by 12,816 votes? The only possible answer would be a tremendous increase in voter registration during the past four years."

After Phillips carefully examines each and every factor and figure involved, he concludes that only through vote rigging was the victory possible for George W Bush.

Across the nation, at least 400,000 people reported the difficulties that they had experienced on election day. Among those complaints, a full 50,000 instances were outright malfunctions of voting machines. And in each of these 50,000 instances
the vote went to Bush. If election day machine malfunctions were random, then logic dictates at least sometimes Kerry would have to receive the benefit of the machine failure.

Right now one of the problems those who refuse to examine the question of the election day theft need to consider is this: some polls TODAY show that Bush has a 43% satisfaction rating. His inauguration was only three months ago - already we hate him? Do you really believe that people voted for this man in overwhelming proportions? Only to reject him 90 days later? What's going on here?

Anyway, my hat remains off to Bob Koehler. I don't mean my tin foil hat, Bob. Just as I watched the "big media" reject my stories on MTBE some eight years ago (and in my naivete, I never realized that they were rejected because of Big Oil's influence but that is a story for another day,) so i watch mainstream media go limp when it comes to opposing hte popwers that be and taking a stand on the voting machinery.

Eventually the truth will out. And the other thing I learned is that once the truth outs, even those who initally opposed the truth will brag about their early efforts. "Why I wanted to nominate that Koehler boy for the Pulitizer!" someone in Trib headquarters will be saying two or three years from now. "Imagine where this great nation of ours would be if that guy hadn't stood so steadily by the truth." And they will say it enough that many will believe that there was hardly ever a struggle.

I remain convinced that this day will come.

Not free enough to ask questions
Dear Mr. Wycliff,

I have to say it is amazing that you work in a news organization. Never in America before could a person be labeled a loon for simply asking questions. That's right mister they are just a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Well try this one on for size you don't know what you are talking about! Hence you’re speaking from your buckeye.

How do I know this? You haven't looked, every person who does becomes instantly crazy to people who lack the reasonable ability to question anything significant. Please spare me I have heard the nut routine before it's become a ditto head mantra and it does nothing but twist and contort your ability to be reasonable. You are not being reasonable you are being dismissive and undermining an American citizens ability to ask legitimate questions.

Questions you Neanderthal lead to answers, loyalty leads to the nut routine. If you are not questioning everything about the last 5 fucked up years you are living in a bubble.I want this to be clear, that everyday any American can find the truths about the last 5 years the information is free, it's public, and it has been the mainstream that has towed a line to make people feel crazy for looking at it.

Your biggest problem is everyday people are moving farther from your framed views and closer to my open views. People don't like being told that they are not free to form their opinions and they will rebel. Its your choice in the end you can either go down via some fucked up immoral loyalty, or stand raise your hand to ask a REAL question. I have, I know where I stand, I know sir you are the crazy one because you only want to question the people who are seeking answers to their own questions.

Wayne Collins

PS. I can't tell my kids the same things my parents told me about this country, and I am not crazy I am fucking livid.

The Republican-written rewrites
Mr. Conyers,

I am sure that you have seen this story. As an American citizen this is repulsive to my sense of morality and no one should have their history rewritten to reflect a position that is just not true.

My specific problem is that I have read "The Franklin Cover-up" as a result like the 250,001 other Americans who have read it know the root of this. If you have not read it you should it says a lot about the intentions of those who did this.

I am angry about this it is a despicable abuse of government and should not be tolerated. I must insist that in this case someone be held accountable and fired for their blatant disregard of decent behavior.

The good guys will never win the battle of perception, if our perception is being constantly undermined by those who don't want to look like the bad guys.

There have been far too many lies, please find the strength to overcome them.

A very pissed off American

Wayne Collins
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Who is rooting against America?
Who is rooting against America? If you have been strapped to a television the last couple of years you would believe it was a Yankee, Liberal, anti-American, terrorist conveniently packaged to sell ad space and to use up any available fear you might have left. You after all only know only what’s been put in front of your eyes. It’s interesting to think about the reality of our knowledge is based completely on what we have seen, or heard. We all scrutinize that same information but regarding it as fact or fable we only have what we know previously to compare. Tricking the human mind is not a fantastic feet, there is a whole industry based on it; it’s called Magic.

We have all heard of the “magic of television”, although what we have now is a wee bit more then just an entertaining illusion, dare I say that we are being manipulated. Oh my god, call the FBI we have an un-American spewing his own thoughts, people might actually believe him, oh no get a bible what does it say we must do; HELP!!! As a liberal individual I despise even the thought of being manipulated, I just need the facts it’s my brain my collection of mainly useless information let me figure it out. I wonder if that is why in the thesaurus one of the synonyms of liberal, oh it must just be a typo, is un-bias what gives that’s not what they been telling me on TV? Don’t even try to find something as flattering in the thesaurus next to conservative; actually it’s pretty freaking scary the synonyms on that list. The last synonym must have been added for junior “White Bread” there is some thing very ironic about that.

I believe conservatives when I hear them spew their inflexible “that’s my story and I am sticking to it” rhetoric, which only exposes one thing their own nasty bias or would you call it cronyism; unless your last name is Bush then it’s nepotism. This president, George W. Bush, is one big fat liar, and all you get out of these want-a-be intellectual conservative, chest thumping, politicians and poly-ass-kissers (AKA. pundit) types are the liberals are bias, the liberal did it he wants you to think Bush is in charge.

Yeah right, Bush is in charge like that nitwit doesn’t have to bring his freaking to do list to his uncle Dickey, daddy has never been that far from saving George Juniors ass. I don’t see why having daddy’s old job changes that. They’ve been practicing operation cover-up since Junior was only a little moron, playing cowboy like he does now at his ranch. We know who is really driving, Dick “Fly by wire” Cheney, it’s like a video game but much easier to control then when he played before, didn’t ya’ll hear around the office Dick’s referred to as “The Man”. Cheney might actually be the hardest working politico this country has ever employed, how many people can claim they were the president and vice president of our country at the same time. Undisclosed location my ass if you had to listen to Elmer Fudd all day you’d find a place to hide so you could get some work done too. Could this explain George Jr. fascination with going on vacation, I hate it too when I have to sit at my desk and look busy all day. Maybe it’s just easier to conspire against American values (cough… Constitution) if you get the dirty details ironed out in offsite meetings, the white house seems like such a porous building these days, drip, drip, drip, thud.

It’s not like the anti-ditto heads have not tried to inform the American people about what’s been going on. It happens to be quite helpful when you’re the president in keeping these anti-ditto head people quiet. See it’s the job of the president, I mean Cheney sorry how do I keep getting them mixed up, to hire and fire Attorney Generals, Alberto is on a leash. Attorney Generals with one swipe of a pen make public domain information classified, this is more commonly known to the anti-ditto head as “one peep and well toss your ass in jail and call you a terrorist”. Oh, doesn’t it make you all warm and fuzzy can you feel the American values oozing out of that.
Oh what’s a ditto head… Well it’s pretty simple until you change the wording by sitting in front of TV or radio, which for some reason they can’t do it for themselves, the ditto head will repeat what is on it, a simple job for a simple mind. Inquiring minds need not apply your way over qualified, oh and a little blind faith helps get your foot in the door.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
John F. Kennedy: What is a liberal?
From my friends at the DU!

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal.'"

-John F. Kennedy September 14, 1960
Thursday, April 21, 2005
-- Great Quote --
"Fascism is born out of too much religion in Gov, Communism is born out of no religion in government, and democracy is born of our freedom of religion."
Randi Rhodes, Air America Radio
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Carter-Baker Commission v. Brad Blog
It would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad!

Saturday, April 16, 2005
Special to The Washington Post
This ticks me off...
By Brian Faler
Special to The Washington Post
Saturday, April 16, 2005; Page A02

Senior education officials showed poor judgment but did
nothing illegal or unethical when they hired commentator Armstrong Williams to promote the administration's education policies, according to a government report released yesterday.

They just pawned their actions off as a coincidental mistake. I am sorry, many see the pattern of misinforming people via leaving out the truth. It may not be illegal but it's totally immoral because it directly subverts the democratic process. You can slice it dice it and call it what ever the hell you want but lying by omission is wrong. It was wrong 50 years ago and it is wrong today.

BTW who paid who to print this garbage?

"Special to The Washington Post"

What is so special? Why doesn't the Washington Post want to take credit for it? They bought it but they don't take credit for it.

This is Bush propaganda fuck you Washington Post!

You and the rest of your ilk are killing our democracy because you are not letting the truth be. Those lines I snipped did nothing but frame what many of us feel when we make a mistake and for that you should be ashamed! You are using people’s emotions and that is wrong. This president should have to stand on the facts but he can’t/won’t, because most of the information sources publish in this manner. It’s wrong you know what you’re doing and it needs to stop. Let the facts be the facts, and the people decide whether the error was immoral. Get out of the business of propaganda, the whole idea of a liberal media is propaganda you assholes.

Friday, April 15, 2005
Man Wants to Rename Mt. Diablo
I am all for religion and I am all for fixing offensive names. You don't like to say the name. Then call it the mountain and move on. I grew up going to Mount Diablo. Please don't screw up my memories because you have a problem saying the name. Dude let it go. I admire your dedication but I think your logic is a little misplaced.
Really this is America my friend and we can change things I know. However you would think it was American value/moral to ask yourself before you act, how many Americans are going to object? Does their inconvenience outweigh yours? What does God think of that? Please I want to know, because I don't get your miraculous logic.
Is this because you don't want to be known as the guy with the quirky thing about Mt. Diablo? I hope not, that would be really... Well silly don't you think?
Mt. Diablo has a website with a history section. I found an interesting entry, the Native Americans used to call the mountain the devil in their own language. Now that's just freaky that you wanted to name the mountain something that would reflect their actual heritage. Here is where your logic is just a little off; it already does reflect the heritage and memory of the native people. Your action would not be celebrating them it would be an act, in essence, against them.
Please for the sake of sanity admit that on this one sir you are wrong and back down. You are looking at changing the personal histories of so many people. Why does it always have to be about what "I" want why can't "we" be important again. Forget the labels, names, titles; when we all look up at it we see a beautiful mountain first. Some people see it in the same language as I do and some people don't, I can’t use that as a reason to try not to understand them. We don't always have to like the things others do but we should always try and respect them.

Tongsun Park Round-Up

Like a bad penny this bastard always turns up. Anyway here is the low down on him.

Tongsun Park Round-Up

Moon, like Tongsun Park, showed a keen understanding of the use of imagery in building political influence. Just as Tongsun Park used his close relationship with a few Congressmen to attract others, Moon used the names and pictures of prominent Americans, Japanese, Koreans, and others to create an image of power and respectability for himself and his movement. The multifaceted Moon Organization thereby obtained the help and cooperation of numerous Americans who had no idea they were contributing to Moon’s plan for world theocracy.
Like Tongsun Park and others who conducted pro-ROK influence activities in the United States, Moon and his organization acted from a mixture of motives and objectives. Service to Korea was combined with a desire to advance personal and organizational goals. Like Tongsun Park and others, Moon and his organization attempted to gain influence in Seoul through activities in the United States; to this end, the Moon Organization exaggerated its success in the United States to create influence in Korea and elsewhere. Thus, although the Moon Organization often acted for the ROK Government -- even to the point of accepting money for its services -- control and influence over Korean political institutions was no less a goal there than in the United States. In this respect, the Moon Organization was not an agent of influence for the ROK Government so much as it was a volatile factor in Korean-American relations, capable of distorting the perceptions each country held of the other.
In the United States, for example, Moon has aroused widespread antipathy. To the extent that his organization’s activities here are associated with Korea or the Korean Government, there is potential harm to Korean-American relations. Recent attempts by the ROK Government to dissociate itself from Moon seemed to recognize this problem. However, these attempts at dissociation came only in the context of a public controversy over Moon, investigations into Korean influence activities, and strained relations between the two countries.
The misuse of the names of prominent Americans by the KCFF was of concern to U.S. Government agencies as early as 1966. Much of the executive branch’s early awareness of Korean influence activities in the United Sates -- including those of Tongsun Park -- arose from State Department and congressional inquiries into KCFF publicity and fundraising activities. However, these activities were not then perceived to be linked to Moo. Later, when Moon’s activities generated publicity in the United Sates, there were numerous requests to the executive branch, as well as to the Congress and to State and local authorities, for information about Moon and for investigations of his organization’s activities. The response to these inquiries was fragment. Numerous investigations were launched by agencies such as the NEC, INS, and Depart-

ROBERT KEITH GRAY- PRIVATE SPOOK? Robert Keith Gray, who set up Hill
and Knowlton's important Washington, D.C. office and ran it for most
of the time between 1961 and 1992, has had numerous contacts in the
national and international intelligence community. The list of his
personal and professional associates includes Edwin Wilson, William
Casey, Tongsun Park (Korean CIA), Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Anna Chennault
(Gray was a board member of World Airways aka Flying Tigers), Neil
Livingstone, Ro- bert Owen, and Oliver North.
"Most of the International Division [of Gray & Co.] clients," said
Susan Trento, "were right-wing governments tied closely to the
intelligence community or businessmen with the same associations."
In 1965, with Gray's help, Tongsun Park, had formed the George Town
Club in Washington. According to Trento:
Park put up the money and, with introductions from Gray and others,
recruited "founders" for the club like the late Marine Gen. Graves
Erskine, who had an active intelligence career. Anna Chennault became
a force in the club. Others followed, and most, like Gray, had the
same conservative political outlook, connections to the intelligence
world, or `congressional overtones.' Gray's ties to right-wing Asians
like Chennault and Park had deep roots. Gray had been critical of
Eisenhower [when he was appointments secretary for Eisenhower] for
never being partisan enough. Perhaps that is why Gray embraced
wholeheartedly the powers behind the China Lobby. One reason Gray was
attached to the lobby was that they had long been behind the funding
of Richard Nixon's various campaigns.
Tongsun Park was an "agent of influence," trained by the Korean
intelligence agency, which was created by and is widely regarded as a
subsidiary of the CIA. The George Town Club has served as a discrete
meeting place where right-wing foreign intelligence agents can
socialize and conduct business with U.S. government officials.
Robert Gray has also been linked with former CIA and naval
intelligence agent Edwin Wilson, although Gray denies it. In 1971,
Wilson left the CIA and set up a series of new front companies for a
secret Navy operation-Task Force 157. Wilson says that Robert Gray
"was on the Board [of Directors]. We had an agreement that anything
that H&K didn't want, they would throw to me so that I could make some
money out of it, and Bob and I would share that."

In November, 1987, Noriega was visited by Bush's former vice presidential chief of staff, Admiral Daniel J. Murphy. Murphy had left Bush's office in 1985 to go into the international consulting business. Murphy was accompanied on his trip by Tongsun Park, a protagonist of the 1976 Koreagate scandal which had served Bush so well. Murphy claimed that Park was part of a group of international businessmen who had sent him to Panama to determine if Murphy could help in "restoring stability in Panama" as a representative of the businessmen or of the Panamanian government, a singular cover story. "I was really there trying to find out whether there was negotiating room between him and the opposition," Murphy said in early 1988. There were reports that Murphy, who had conferred with NSC chief Colin Powell, Don Gregg and Elliott Abrams of the State Department before he went to Panama, had told Noriega that he could stay in office through early 1989 if he allowed political reforms, free elections, and a free press, but Murphy denied having done this. It is still not known with precision what mission Murphy was sent to Panama to perform for Bush. [fn 40]

There were two Buckley epigones who were assigned the task of forging the alliance with their Asian partners at the KCIA and the Unification Church: Morris Liebman and Tongsun Park. A Korean-born, but American-educated YAF operative, Tongsun Park worked closely with Col. Bo Hi Pak, when the South Korean spook and Moon Church controller came to Washington, shortly after the launching of APACL, as the South Korean military attaché. The Colonel's primary assignment was to oversee the buildup of Moonie operations in the United States.

The Moon organization, the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation, and other South Korean influence-peddling outfits went hog-wild in Washington, D.C. during the 1970s. At one point, Moon was accused of running a 300-woman prostitution ring, infiltrating Congressional offices, in league with "Republic of Korea lobbyist" and Buckley protégé Tongsun Park. Through the Washington, D.C.-headquartered Diplomat National Bank, Moon and Park spread vast sums of money all over Capitol Hill and K Street. It was a recipe that Moon would repeat over and over again.,23657,914710,00.html+%22Tongsun+Park%22&hl=en

Koreagate on Capitol Hill?Time Monday, Nov. 29, 1976
New Revelations. So far the scandal has been focused on cash gifts to U.S. politicians who might have clout in decisions involving aid to the Park Chung Hee regime in South Korea. New revelations continue to reinforce the impression that, as one congressional leader admitted, "there's a lot of Korean money around, and a lot of guys are involved." Among the main figures in the federal probes of Korean influence peddling: former Representative Richard Hanna of California, a silent partner in an import-export business run by Tongsun Park, a Washington-based Korean businessman with a yen for winning friends in high places; Louisiana Democrat Otto Passman, a longtime Park crony; and former New Jersey Congressman Cornelius Gallagher. Meanwhile, on another front, there are charges that the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) has been carrying out both open and "black" (undercover) operations in the U.S. on a broad scale.

A Conversation With William G. Hundley(As appeared in The Washington Lawyer, November 2001)
The next big scandal in which you represented a client was Koreagate. What did that case involve? Tongsun Park was the exclusive South Korean rice agent in this country. At that time South Korea imported virtually all of its rice, and he distributed white envelopes to influence senators and congressmen. When he was indicted, he fled to Korea. We didn’t have an extradition treaty with Korea at that time and they weren’t sending him back. Congress really wanted him to testify, so they threatened to cut off aid to Korea. As a result of this political situation I got really lucky and the Justice Department granted Park transactional immunity. The irony is the Koreans would have sent him back anyway if they had waited just a little longer.
The Justice Department indicted the biggest recipient of Park’s largess, a Louisiana congressman named Otto Passman, for corruption and bribery. They also charged him with tax evasion in the same indictment. Including the tax evasion charge was a mistake, because it allowed him to get the case transferred to his hometown of Monroe, Louisiana, and they loved Passman down there. I went there for the trial and I’d go into restaurants with Park and people would get up and leave. I called the defense lawyer, who happened to be a pretty good friend of mine, and said, “What do you think a Monroe, Louisiana, jury is going to think of Tongsun Park?” He said, “I don’t know.” I was taken aback. “What do you mean you don’t know? You’ve tried a million cases here?” “I don’t think they’ve ever seen a Korean before,” he said.
I thought the prosecution presented a pretty good case. But when the defense attorney got up to cross-examine Tongsun Park, he carried a big map of Korea. He didn’t even touch the merits of the case. He identified South Korea and noted that it’s right under North Korea and next to China. Then he pointed out that North Korea and China are totalitarian communist states. The jury was out less than 90 minutes, and they acquitted Passman on every charge.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
To: RMurdoch@newscorp.com
Hey Ruppie,

I read this in the Guardian

I have a better answer for you, and I know you are not going to like it. We don't want more news outlets, that's just a farce. We want accountable news, something more outlets will not give us. Dude your barely an American because 1 your rich, and 2 your originally from another country. Rich people are not Americans because they refuse to sacrifice, something you have to do when you are accountable in America.

So you want your papers to become the first source of people's misinformation. Hey old guy isn't that what your precious main stream is for? As a citizen consumer of news I think it's disturbing that your main stream makes mistakes in almost every story. There was a report my conservative friends pointed me too, oh it's on the Internets. You provably wouldn't understand it's not in your own "native language" (your words) . Is this possibly because you like to spoon feed people information.

Yeah I have seen that Fox thing you have tried to pawn off as news. It's talk radio on television; except now you make us look at the ugly radio people.

If you were really about being fair and balanced you would tell the truth and not call what you do news, it's infotainment. You said it yourself "only 4% of respondents think we're entertaining" hey executive moron your not supposed to be entertainment, that's for John Stewart, your supposed to be useful. But your only viewed useful by 8% of the respondents.

Guess what those are my people, the 18-34 year olds. We all practically grew up on television and now in a mass exodus we are making ourselves responsible for our own information. There it is responsibility, people know you and your ilk are anything but responsible so they have taken it upon themselves.

In summary you are not a responsible corporate leader and do not deserve the trust of the American people. You are not an American because your responsibility like the rest of the wealthy pricks in America is not to the People but to your friends and your own bottom lines. Please don't be offended that we don't like you, we just know better, maybe we learned that from TV.

Well I am not going to wish you luck, because I would not be sad to see you poor, broken, and having to rely on the government to eat.
I am an American who understands sacrifice and loyalty, and you sir are not like me.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
The needle in the haystack…
Sometimes things become less obvious when they are grouped with other similar things. It makes only the differences stand out and what are normally obvious traits become subtly hidden to the mind. Quite simply it’s key to fooling us humans, make important information redundant thus boring and no one will see it. You can put anything in the background this way.

Well that got me thinking….

There sure seems to be quite a few homosexuals running the core of the Republican Party. I wonder is there something that I am not supposed to see that’s right in front of my nose?

I normally care very little about what people get off on, but in this case the hypocrisy is just blatantly obvious.

How does this harem of closet case homosexuals run their party on an anti-homosexual platform and still come off as the morality police? I guess it’s ok to be hypocritical about your self.

It just does not make much sense that is until you look at it from their point of view. Which is they either have nothing to hide or logically they have figured out to promote their position at 180 degrees from reality, it has everything to do with public perception.

There it is the defining characteristic of Bush Co. World, “Public Perception”. Perception is reality in the sense that we can only perceive the truth as we know it exist, if we are deceived or information is left out we are only going to perceive what we know.

How do you really know anything in Bush Co. World?

You don’t because Bush Co. has nicely tied their public perceptions to the idea that they are faithful and honest to the people that voted for them. They have even done so with their gay perception problem.

I don’t know what they call it but it’s another method of hiding something in plain sight. The best way to describe it is making the perception of reality look as though it is 180 degrees from reality, thus hiding the truth in a place where people won’t normally think to look. We have numerous examples of them doing this, the WMD we never found, tax cuts for the rich that help all Americans, Clear Skies Initiative that pollutes more, and Health Forests that is about cutting down more trees. Then there is this republican anti-homosexual perception and we come to find out there are a lot of prominent gay republicans; again 180 degrees from what I expected.

It’s mind boggling and scary but it’s done for a very effective purpose. By defining a version of reality 180 degrees from where it should be, those people that believe you think that those that don’t just have a different opinion 180 degrees from your own. This gets extrapolated by the flavor of bias you consume the information through. Both your own bias and the bias of your source effect your perception of the information.

Our individual tendency is not to believe things that appear furthest from what we perceive to be the truth. It is particularly due to our own bias, which is invariably the real media filter. If I only consumed information presented by the big media as my only source of information I would never even know some of the things that get filtered out of my own perception. Bellow I have compiled two separate lists one I will call the projected perception and one I will call the filtered perception.

Making George Bush look like a man (projected perception)

The problem is I have an alternate list, which has gone mysteriously missing from the big corporate welfare media.

Things that make George Bush not so manly (filtered perception)

Back to the morality police…

The Republican Party has done a great job positioning to get exactly what they want where the truth is hard to believe, and every group has a bias to cloud their view; which has made every view possibly valid and every view possibly wrong.

Friday, April 08, 2005
posted by Cog @ 10:53 AM -- abstractfactory.blogspot.com
This is a description of how the right-wing ideologs (Neo-cons) keep their power.

this is what's really maddening, all the outrages I've brought up wouldn't matter in the least except for this point --- virtually all right-leaning commentators, running the gamut from David Brooks to Rush Limbaugh to Glenn Reynolds, whether consciously or not, perform roughly the same function, and they're wildly effective. The entire right-wing movement is like a hovercraft floating on the perpetually roaring whirlwind of sub-rational, self-reinforcing nonsense that gusts through the minds of its adherents. It goes on and on and on, and nobody stops the people who feed it; most of the time, nobody with a prominent voice even stands up to them and calls them on their nonsense. For writing this column, and numerous other pieces of garbage like it, for filling people's minds with offal, Jonah Goldberg will never face judgment; he'll die peacefully, with a fat bank account and a kid gloves obituary.

The Moscow Times
It's funny the once restricted Russia, now has a press that is free to report what America will not.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
This has been removed from DU
Sometimes I wonder if the version of "free speach" one is allowed to practice on DU is prescribed out of the patriot act.

The Faith Based Fraud, A Local Example
This illustrates how easy it is to corrupt the church via the state.


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