v : make numb or insensitive
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Special to The Washington Post
This ticks me off...
By Brian Faler
Special to The Washington Post
Saturday, April 16, 2005; Page A02

Senior education officials showed poor judgment but did
nothing illegal or unethical when they hired commentator Armstrong Williams to promote the administration's education policies, according to a government report released yesterday.

They just pawned their actions off as a coincidental mistake. I am sorry, many see the pattern of misinforming people via leaving out the truth. It may not be illegal but it's totally immoral because it directly subverts the democratic process. You can slice it dice it and call it what ever the hell you want but lying by omission is wrong. It was wrong 50 years ago and it is wrong today.

BTW who paid who to print this garbage?

"Special to The Washington Post"

What is so special? Why doesn't the Washington Post want to take credit for it? They bought it but they don't take credit for it.

This is Bush propaganda fuck you Washington Post!

You and the rest of your ilk are killing our democracy because you are not letting the truth be. Those lines I snipped did nothing but frame what many of us feel when we make a mistake and for that you should be ashamed! You are using people’s emotions and that is wrong. This president should have to stand on the facts but he can’t/won’t, because most of the information sources publish in this manner. It’s wrong you know what you’re doing and it needs to stop. Let the facts be the facts, and the people decide whether the error was immoral. Get out of the business of propaganda, the whole idea of a liberal media is propaganda you assholes.

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