v : make numb or insensitive
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Now this is getting freaky 9 11, happy face, oil

It has the shape 9 11 in each of the flags. The top portion of the 9 is the blue stars region.
Thanks to im10ashus for pointing this picture out.
Update : Image to better highlight the numbers 9 and 11.

Update : Image of the word "oil" in the background.

The Bush administration has miss quoted OBL whoops
I saw this on DU
Mistranslated Osama bin Laden Video - the German Press Investigates
by Craig Morris
7:16am Sun Dec 23 '01 (Modified on 8:19pm Sun Dec 30 '01)
A German TV show found that the White House's translation of the "confession" video was not only inaccurate, but even "manipulative".
Mistranslated OBL video - Germany’s Channel One investigates
On 20 December 2001, German TV channel “Das Erste” broadcast its analysis of the White House’s translation of the OBL video that George Bush has called a “confession of guilt”. On the show “Monitor”, two independent translators and an expert on oriental studies found the White House’s translation not only to be inaccurate, but “manipulative”.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Rolling Stones DSM Cliff Notes
Rolling Stones Blog has a fantastic reader on the Downing Street Minutes/Memo.
The Downing Street Reader: a cheat sheet on the memos behind the scandal
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Connect the dots
Why what's on TV is now irrelevant. The TV news cannot compete with these numbers.
US - Population: 296,208,476 - Area: 9,629,047 sq km (3,717,812.82 sq miles)
Capital City: Washington D.C. - GNI p.c.US$35,060 ('02)
200,933,147 Internet users as of Feb/05, 67.8% penetration, Nielsen//NR.
Do you think this is why the TV has gone conservative? Are they are the only ones left watching?
Neo Mind Tricks

As your eyes and mind try to make sense of the image, you forget that it is your forgone conclusions that keep you guessing. Your conclusions keep you from ever making full sense of the sum of what you are seeing. This is in essence a trick of the mind, and it is exactly the problem with journalism today. It is also how journalism has evolved into a brokerage of thought and fact equated to truth and logic. While journalists still provide information it is under the guise and with the purpose of reinforcing what supports specific interpretations logically and illogically. When all positions are equally reinforced to maintain the appearance of logic the provability that this is an accident is nil. I don't need numbers to prove it all I need is common sense, which is ironically what is being used against our ability to understand reality.
This is about the use regional thinking and it being associated with acute logic via direct un-questionable referencing. It doesn't have to be correct it just must be difficult to question logically from the perspective of multiple regions of thought. If you pay attention to how you look at the picture you might notice that your mind focuses on regions of the drawing at a time. The regions are divided along the expectations (straight lines and common elements) that fool us into thinking what we are seeing (in one region) logically fits into the entire picture. As you look at each region individually they make sense. Even though they seemingly fit into place as we move from one region to another we become lost in the translation between spaces.
The entire problem is misdirected contextual thinking that we as humans consistently fall victim. It is misdirection at its core and it is a systematic pattern that has been tooled to contrive our reality into something that makes us unable to make any sense of it all. People don't communicate with the desired effect to draw together two distinctly different regions of thought and logic, but this image does. This is not the normal behavior of people who need to communicate clearly. It results in the opposite unclear logic, confusion of fact, and the appearance that both positions are equally good and equally bad. This is a system that needs to be exposed as tool of those in power to contrive perspective based on their own chosen logical truths that have nothing to do with reality.
This jumped out at me and I thought I would share
Monday, June 06, 2005
Clinton: 56 nominees, 21 renominations, 7 hearings, 1 vote, 1 confirmation -- Bush: 2 renominations, 2 hearings, 2 votes, 2 comfirmations
This is all you need to know about judges to know what is going on.