v : make numb or insensitive
Monday, February 28, 2005
Sibel Edmonds an American Hero
If you are not aware of this brave American Sibel Edmonds it is worth the time to read her story.
Working as a translator for the FBI she tried to blow the whistle on her supervisors in their role covering up circumstances surrounding September 11th. After she attempted to raise concerns the public information she pointed to as evidence was deemed states secret. Now if she talks about the once public information she can be placed behind bars.
Her website : http://www.justacitizen.com/
Thursday, February 24, 2005
What liberal media shee-ople!
If there was such a thing as a corporate "liberal" media Gannon would have been an issue day one.
Conservative Corporate Media seems not to be interested in Gannon, why?
When the fit hits the shan it will look bad that Gannon just closed up shop, implies guilt. Must mean we haven't found what they feared we would, or we did and to throw us off the scent they put their whore back on display.
Press Imposter : At the White House, don't duck the real questions
This is a great editorial...
February 23, 2005
How is it that an administration that screened thousands of people for attendance at Bush campaign rallies repeatedly let a fake reporter into the sanctorum of the White House pressroom under a false name? Who was running that background check? How could a president who declares that national security is his prime concern be so ill served for nearly two years by his own security detail?
That is just the first paragraph too.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Senior Army Officer reviews "Bulldog"
Remember the opposite of what * Co. says is normally where you find reality.
I admit last night I got a little tired I really didn’t know what I was looking at until just a while ago upon review.
I know we all have thought it, but has anyone asked is James Guckert a spook? The circumstances seem too unrealistic not to at least ask that additional question.
I was reviewing some of the original material that has been spotlighted about Jeff Gannon. I found some interesting back ground coincidences. He seems to always fit whatever character he is supposed to be playing.
He is more aggressive in his writing. In the white house he is older bald confident dweeb when he talks. In the posts about his services as an escort a year prior he was fit confident in control and nothing but the perfect guy for most of the reviews.
How would they know who to target?
Look at the bulldog profile, duh! He is a perfect match.
Let’s not be naïve. Computers log their visits to websites, and notably spyware does a fantastic job of sending those results to someone without you knowing it. I just ran a spyware doctor software that removed dozens of these little software components that auto-installed on 3 of my own computers. It is not a problem to know where people cruise to on the internet these days there are many records. They log work computer habits as well, shit the browser does it for them but they use the firewalls to log all visits at the same time. So knowing where a closet homosexual military officer surfs the internet, is only as hard as knowing his or his computers identification information.
I clipped this from a longer series of reviews. I understand that the content might be a bit vulgar but try and be objective and sympathetic to the senior officer in the US Army who has been a closet homosexual in a repressed lifestyle for 10,15,20 years. I am not sure what constitutes career military.
This should be looked into, this guy might have been targeted and possibly even exploited. Putting Gannon on CSPAN everyday would be a signal of dominance or we have control of you. Even the possibility warrants looking into.
Experience:I hired Jeff last winter when I was in Philadelphia on business. I was so pleased with the experience that I recently had him travel with me on a weekend trip to North Carolina. I am an active duty senior officer in the US Army. Discretion is of utmost importance to me. Jeff understands that because of his Marine background. He has so many talents besides the bedroom, it was a great experience for me. He is all-man, athletic and self-assured. Great body, he helped me work out twice, one time on base. The sex was great, he's a hard core top, verbal and strong, never romantic, but not mean. But there was so much more. He is intelligent, but would not want me to tell you that and very interesting. Being military also, we had much in common. I feel completely at ease that my secret is safe with him.
I am versatile, 40+ year old career military man. I am used to being in command, so it was good for me to give control over to someone else for a change. I like to suck a masculine man's dick and get fucked hard. I did all of that several times that weekend. Because of my position I cannot find someone compatible in the usual ways. I am luck y to have found this jarhead.
Rep. Conyers is talking directly to the people
Rep. John Conyers has started his own blog, good idea to control your message before they sound bite it to death.
Good Stuff too.
2/23/2005 3:30pmhttp://www.johnconyers.com/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={B166974A-C132-4EC3-9682-FE6E08C1A584}&Design=PrintView
Blogging Made Easy . . . Talon News Style
By Talon News standards, the following will all be original reporting.
Before you know it your the fool
By Wayne Collins libertypirate@comcast.net
Take a moment and look at the structure of language and how stereotypes are reinforced. You might not think suggestive language can invoke a response, but we know that it does. There is a reason they don’t slip single frames into the beginning of movies to get you to buy popcorn; it can unfairly invoke a response and get you to buy popcorn. It is not rational it’s a very sick means of communication it's disingenuous. The techniques are used to create situations where you are less likely to want to be part of a group or think a certain perspective, politically. Please read below and remember the devil is not in the details it is in the structure of language!
This was the first publicly available news response I found from AP (Associated Press) on the Jeff Gannon story. It perfectly illustrates how the presentation of information can skew our individual view of the story being told, and how we unknowingly fall for it every time. Maybe we can do something about that.
Let me show you the difference between propaganda and news.
Reporter Quits Amid Credential Questions
Thursday February 10, 2005 6:31 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - A writer who attracted attention by asking President Bush a loaded question at a news conference last month has resigned amid questions about his identity and background.
James D. Guckert, who wrote under the name Jeff Gannon, said on his Web site that he was leaving ``because of the attention being paid to me.'' He had been Washington bureau chief for Talon News outlet associated with another Web site, GOPUSA.
Guckert frequently attended White House press briefings over the last two years and asked pointedly conservative questions. Called on by Bush at a Jan. 26 news conference, Guckert said Senate Democratic leaders were painting a bleak picture of the economy and he asked Bush how the president would work ``with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality.''
The question prompted scrutiny, particularly from bloggers. Guckert was linked with online domain addresses suggestive of gay pornography. Guckert, a former resident of Wilmington, Del., told The (Wilmington) News Journal newspaper that he had registered the domain names for a client while he was working to set up a Web-hosting business.
Now don’t blink, it is very subtle.
Reporter Quits Amid Credential Questions
Thursday February 10, 2005 6:31 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - A conservative writer who attracted attention by asking President Bush a loaded question at a news conference last month has resigned amid questions about his identity and background.
James D. Guckert, who wrote under the name Jeff Gannon, said on his Web site that he was leaving ``because of the attention being paid to me.'' He had been Washington bureau chief for Talon News, a conservative online news outlet associated with another Web site, GOPUSA.
Guckert frequently attended White House press briefings over the last two years and asked pointedly conservative questions. Called on by Bush at a Jan. 26 news conference, Guckert said Senate Democratic leaders were painting a bleak picture of the economy and he asked Bush how the president would work ``with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality.''
The question prompted scrutiny, particularly from liberal bloggers. Guckert was linked with online domain addresses suggestive of gay pornography. Guckert, a former resident of Wilmington, Del., told The (Wilmington) News Journal newspaper that he had registered the domain names for a client while he was working to set up a Web-hosting business.
Each is a story, but because I took the emotional hooks out of the first one, they read completely different.
It is important that you know propaganda is like character building designed to invoke an emotional connection to something about a specific character. The first character Gannon/Guckert is viewed differently depending on your emotional response to the words “a conservative writer.” If you are a conservative, you would tend to identify more favorably to the character and if you were liberal, you would see him less favorably. This is just how people associate with other people by what is common between them.
I had a Spanish teacher in community college that always reiterated this in class: Repetition is the process of recollection. Thank you for grinding this into me. Anyway, you all get the point; it is about reinforcing a response, behavior, or thought. In this case, what you have in common with the character: in each of the first three paragraphs the reference to conservative appears “a conservative writer,“ “a conservative online news outlet,” and “pointedly conservative questions.” Each statement is reinforcing what you stereotypically believe about a conservative and associating your beliefs to each of the previous statements.
When you get to the words “liberal bloggers” and they associate the word "liberal" to the character bloggers, it engages how you feel about liberals and labels the character with your felt response. The bloggers, writer, news outlet, and even the questions are characters and because of how you perceive them, you afford them your trust or skepticism.
There are also instances of misinformation used to describe some of the scenery and props that help portray the story. When they quote him saying “because of the attention being paid to me,” they actually changed the punctuation in the sentence and the words which changed the meaning. On the jeffgannon.com site, the sentence originally ends “paid to me, and my family.” I can’t think of a reason why one would cut that out, but changing the meaning of someone’s statement doesn’t quite add up if this is journalism. I checked the jeffgannon.com site and now the text on it has been altered to match the quoted statement in the AP article.
There is also a more notable error surrounding the problems with Mr. Gannon’s website addresses. They portrayed them as your average vanilla gay porn sites. When in reality, the names alone advertise homosexual prostitution of military men (militaryescortsM4M.com).
Conservatives are more then likely not going to sympathize with Mr. Gannon\Guckert and probably not going to look at anything about this any more seriously -- possibly ever. The liberal on the other hand is going to get stuck in the details, which will turn off the conservatives because they really don’t care. Altering the details could encourage the idea that there are two versions of the story, when notably there should not be this problem if this were journalism.
Although we all read the same text, we build characters individually, and because of how we perceive the world and others, determines the story we build. This happens to all of us without fail; it is part of who we are to associate the world to what we already think of it. Fortunately, though there is something that can be done to fight and expose it. When you read your news, try to subtract those extra words and ask yourself if it would change your opinion of the characters being portrayed or change the meaning of the information being presented.
I am not sure if this AP piece was just easy for me to see the manipulation, but I think I will be paying a little closer attention to the next report off the wire. I hope that many conservatives have the opportunity to understand this problem and reiterate it to other like-minded folks. This is not a liberal/conservative issue; this is really an American issue. The fault here should not be associated to anyone’s perceived notion of whom or what was the cause of this type of reporting. I am certain that they will brush everything off as coincidence and that the wire report was not meant to be manipulative. In fact, though I know it does matter and until unlike-minded folks demand that it stops, I don’t think it will.
The original wire I found from AP
What’s left of JeffGannon.com